How to get rid of makeup stains easily?

One inevitable part of using makeup is certainly the mess. Spills, stains, and others occasionally happen no matter how good you are with the brush. No matter if you have makeup on your clothes, shoes, or other surfaces, you will want to get rid of them without making them worse. This may be tricky since different types of makeup contain a wide range of ingredients and require different solutions as well. Those methods are proven useful by professional cleaners.

Keep reading to find out how to get rid of various different makeup stains in a quick and easy way.

  1. Makeup wipes – Makeup wipes are originally meant to be used on your face. However, an amazing tip used by professionals at fashion shows. When makeup artists accidentally smeared something on their own clothes or on the model’s clothes. This is one of the quickest ways to get rid of any stains caused by makeup. Grab a wipe from your pack and gently blot the stain away until it is gone. Avoid rubbing it to prevent it from spreading further.However, with this cleaning method, there are a few things you should keep in mind. For example, wipes will be most effective on a fresh spill that has not had time to dry or set. You should also avoid using makeup wipes on delicate garments, silk, and other fabrics that may water-spot.
  2. Rubbing Alcohol – This powerful cleaning solution is able to break down any oils and waxes found in the stains. That makes it perfect for cleaning lipstick and lipgloss messes. Grab a cotton ball or use the tip of a washcloth and dip it in some rubbing alcohol. Use that to dab over the area of the stain. You can gently rub but not too harshly because spreading of the mess may occur.
  3. Shaving cream – Yes, it probably sounds strange but shaving cream is able to lift stains from clothing and other fabrics. Apply 1-2 squirts of shaving cream on the stained area, then gently rub it on. Let it sit for 10 minutes. This will give the shave cream time to dissolve the dirt causing the stain and remove it from the surface of your fabric. When done, wipe the shaving cream off, and rinse the fabric with cold water.
  4. A blow dryer – If you often use loose face powder, you probably know how annoying it is to spill it on your clothes and get rid of the residue it leaves. White powder on dark clothing is especially hard to remove. If you attempt to wipe it away, you will end up smearing it all over the fabric and causing a bigger stain. We strongly suggest you do not attempt that since a stain like this is more noticeable than the powder dots that landed on the surface. The simplest solution – grab a blow dryer and blow all the powder away within seconds.
  5. Hairspray – Hairspray can be extremely efficient against tricky lipstick stains. Make sure you are using a hairspray that contains alcohol. Alcohol-free products will not be successful in the stain removal process. Spray the stained area and let it dry. Repeat this process, then follow up with a wet wipe.
  6. Ice – Applying ice to a makeup stain will also help remove it. Grab an ice cube and rub it vigorously all over the stained area. It is best to use this method and avoid hot water since the high temperature may actually set the stain deeper into the fabric and make it hard or even impossible to remove. Save the hot water for when you are done with the spot treatment of the garment and you are about to throw it in the laundry machine.
  7. Soap and water – This old-school cleaning method can also help you get rid of makeup stains. However, it is important that you don’t simply grab a napkin and start rubbing. This may spread the stain and make it worse. Instead, dab cold water onto the stained area using a clean cloth, then add the tiniest drop of soap. Depending on the stain, you may want to use dish soap or an enzyme-based laundry detergent. Rub the fabric against itself and allow the friction to lift the stain. This method is better than using paper towels or other products that may dissolve and leave flakes or small white bits all over your fabric.
  8. Detergent pens or wipes – Detergent pens and wipes are designed to be used for treating stains on the go. It is always best to blot away any excess grime, before reaching for the pen. Once you press down on the stain, the detergent will start coming out. Use the tip of the pen to gently rub the stain. Always do that starting on the outer edge, working your way towards the center. Both wipes and pens are reusable and suitable for a number of different fabrics.